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Ground to Ground System Effectiveness Simulation

Quickly evaluate the Hits and Kills of Direct Fire Weapon Systems

Some of the features of the Ground to Ground simulation are;

  • Monte-Carlo driven trajectory simulation
  • Error inputs include;
    • Dispersion of both Gun and Ammunition
    • Muzzle Velocity variations
    • Fire Control and sensors
    • Aerodynamic and mass differences
    • Effect of poor Met data
  • Both horizontal targets (troops) and vertical targets (vehicle)
  • Hardcopy and plotted outputs


Arrow Tech has also developed other lethality simulations for different missions.We currently have codes for the following scenerios;

  • Air to Air
  • Air to Ground
  • Ship to Missle
  • Ground to Air

If you need additional information regarding these simulations, please call Arrow Techat (802)865-3460

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