Quickly generate a PRODAS Model from a bitmap picture of a projectile. Whether the bitmap came from the web, a scanned image from "Jane's" or a digital photograph of a sectioned projectile, using this tool you can quickly build a PRODAS model that can be used in any other PRODAS analysis. We are in the midst of building a tutorial to illustrate this in use and will post it as soon as it is available. Please keep checking back. To reverse engineer a drawing you; - Import a JPG or BMP file of the projectile
- Establish scale, reference and centerline - 7 mouse clicks
- Click on all vertices, these will be the corners of the elements
- Select vertice pairs, this will build the elements. If you know the real mass properties, you only need to do the exterior contours.
- With a single click, the PRODAS model is generated.
- Using the standard PRODAS editor, modify the generated model definingaero properties such as Ogive, Boattail and Boom.
- Type in the mass properties, or it you have built the internals, run Mass Properties
- Run Aero Predictions to generate the projectiles aerodynamics
- Now you can run trajectories, produce firing tables or even run system effectiveness analysis !
It is entirely possible to generate a complex PRODAS model from a bitmap in under five minutes, even including fins. |  Projectile BitMap |  Bitmap with vertices identified |  Prodas Model |  3D Model |