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Define the Moment Induced on the Projectile

The location of the force we are to simulate is at the connection between the nose cone and the main penetrator body. 

Since the G&C Simulation can only apply forces at the mass center, we will model this off CG force as a force and a moment.

The moment will be equal to the force multiplied by the moment arm (distance from the application to the CG). We will model this using a gain element.

Looking at the geometry of the projectile and checking mass properties for the center of mass, the moment arm is 143 mm or .143m.  That is the value applied to the final gain. 

  1. Select the Gain icon
  2. Click on the diagram to place the Gain. To keep consistant with our pictures, you can choose the sixth column in the fifth row.
  3. Set the Gain Value in the properties window to 0.143.
  4. Connect the multiplier to the gain
  5. Click on the down arrow next to the Outputs icon. A small menu will appear. Select "N Inject".
  6. Now move the mouse over the Block Diagram window and click in the fifth row in the seventh column.
  7. Connect the first gain to the last gain you placed
  8. Connect the gain to the output

The final FCS diagram is shown below:

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