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Define the Values to be displayed by the FCS Visualizer

The output of any element on the Block diagram can be output by the FCS Visualizer during the G&C Trajectory run.  The output is an oscilloscope style plot. To send the outputs of an element to the visualizer, click on the element and then toggle the Visualizer ? Property, which is a boolean, in the property window.


Lets toggle the following elements:

Here is a quick way to toggle all of these elements.

  1. Click on the T(ime) element in the block diagram
  2. Now, while holding down the SHIFT key, click on the remaining elements. Note they are all selected.
  3. All of the elements can now be toggled on by selecting the Visualizer - Toggle Selected Elements from the menu

The FCS diagram below shows the multiplier selected with the Visualizer? Property set to yes. Note how the labels and output connections have all turned RED.

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