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Rerun the Trajectory and Cross Plot the Results

Now we are going to turn off the FCS system, rerun the trajectory and cross plot the results.

Do the following;

  1. Go Back to the Setup tab
  2. Uncheck the FCS Turned On? checkbox
  3. Click the Run Trajectory Simulation button to rerun the simulation
  4. Click on the Plotted Results tab
  5. Click on the Cross Plot Icon to open a new X-plot window.
  6. Type in "W/out FCS" when asked for "Legend Text?"
  7. From the main PRODAS menu, select WINDOWS - LIST - CROSS PLOT to bring the cross plot window forward
  8. Select AlphaBar from the drop down list box on the left

The cross plot of the two runs indicates that there is definitely induced motion in the trajectory with the flight control system beginning at 1 second which is not present on the trajectory without the flight control system.

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