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View the FCS Visualizer to check the results

Since we previously launched the FCS Visualizer, as soon as the trajectory has completed its window will appear.  The result is shown below along with some added pointers.


The results are scrolled over to see the Time lookup step from 0 to 1 at 1 second.  Notice that the roll angle lookup result is ignored in the multiplier until 1 second when the time also has a value.

The roll angle lookup turns an anytime that the cosine is near its peak or +/-15 degrees.  This looks reasonable.

The output of the multiplier, which controls turning on and off the injection, forces look correct.  It is only on when both the time and cosine of the roll angle are on.

Scrolling farther in time shows the time signal going back to zero.

It looks like our FCS diagram is feeding the proper information into the trajectory code. 

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