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Generate a Flight Control System Block Diagram

In this section we are going to build a Flight Control System Block Diagram that will apply a lateral force as described in the problem statement.

Goal of this section:

Using the drop and drag Flight Control System Builder, build the Flight Control System and save it to the projectile model.

Control Elements used in the example

This example uses the following control elements. The icons are found on the FCS Builder toolbar.

Save, saves the FCS model.  The FCS model must be saved to be included in the trajectory run.  The FCS information is not permanently saved until the model is saved


Input, inputs from the currently open PRODAS projectile.  The inputs are time and state variables.

Output, outputs to the G&C trajectory analysis.  The outputs are injection forces.

Lookup Table, insert lookup table element.

Multiplier, insert a multiplication element.

Cosine, insert cosine function.

Connect, connect elements and indicate direction.

Multiplier, multiplies by a constant.

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