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Prediction of the Results

When the Euler roll (f), pitch (q) and yaw (y) are equal to 0, the projectile body coordinate system is aligned with the ground coordinates. Viewing the projectile from the rear, the JB axis points to the right. Thus, if the lateral injection force (Yinject) is activated when the Euler roll angle (f) is near 0 (+/-15o), the resulting motion will tend to rotate the nose to the right and move the projectile to the right which in turn produces a lateral aerodynamic angle of attack that also tends to move the projectile to the right. Thus, in this scenario we expect the projectile will swerve to the right (+y, cross nose) and rotate clockwise looking down the round (+y, Euler Yaw angle). At the same time, the projectile should not generate significant response in the vertical direction due to the injection force. Thus, the Euler Pitch angle (q) and altitude (Z) should remain similar to a case where no injection force is applied.

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