To complete the Grain Physical Properties inputs for our example please do the following:
- Since both ends of this grain are prevented from burning (inhibited), enter a 0 for # of End Surfaces Burning:
- From the PRODAS model editor we see the grain length is 783.21 mm so enter it here for Grain Length
- Enter 32.512 mm for the Grain Interior Diameter
- Enter 0 for the Neck-Down Volume
- Enter 64.516mm for the Neck-Down Diameter
- Enter 8 for the Number of Grain Star Points
- Enter 1.587 mm for the Tangent Fillet Radius
- Enter 8.5 deg for the Theta "E" Angle,
- Enter 1.587 mm for the Star Point Radius
- Enter 14.5 deg for the Theta "T" Angle,
The completed Grain Physical PropertiesTab is shown below