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Check Cartridge Case

Next, select the cartridge case by clicking on the component labeled "case". For a Cartridge case the component must have the physical function identified as "cartridge case" as shown in the lower right corner.

Note: If any components of the cartridge case are combustible, toggle the "consumable" Properties line to Yes. (For this example leave the "Consumable" toggle as "No") This will ensure the volume occupied by the consumable cartridge case components (if present) are added to the chamber volume contained inside the consumable components. The volume of consumable cartridge case components (if present) must be added to the interior volume of these components to obtain the correct chamber volume.

Since in our example the case is not consumable, its geometry is not needed for either the Empirical Interior Ballistics analysis or the Baer Frankle analysis. Its geometry was used as a tool to create the propellant component which we will discuss next.

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