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Fin Control Definition Tab

Click the Fin Control Definition tab. The screen is as follows:

There are 6 different input columns used to define Fin Control events. The columns are as follows:

EventId - Allows the user to set the output label of the control events within the simulation. The EventID is an integer.

On_Off - Allows the user to turn the control event On (1) or Off (0) for the simulation run.

StartTime - Allows the user to input the time of each control event to start.

FinSetID - Allows the user to designate which finset the control event will affect. Currently only one finset can be controlled at one time.

RollAngle - Allows the user to set the angular orientation for the force application to be applied towards the projectile body. The coordinate system is such that

CtrlOpt - Allows the user to choose from four Flight Control Options which work in conjunction with the roll angle chosen in the previous column. The value is an integer from 0 to 3.

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