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Merging Gun Tube Model With Projectile Model

The process of merging the gun tube model with the projectile model requires that both the file containing the projectile (BALANS Tutorial_Start.pr3) and the file containing the gun tube (BALANS Tutorial_Gun_Tube.pr3) be open in two separate PRODAS Model editor windows. The steps to merge the two models for in-bore balloting analysis are as follows:

You can toggle back and forth between the Projectile type and the ProdasTubeModel type to see each model. Once the gun tube model has been merged it will only effect your Balans results. The basic PRODAS modules only look at the Projectile model.

As a matter of fact PRODAS does not provide a mechanism to study the mass properties of the model in the Prodas Tube Model view. That is why we build our gun tube model as a projectile, run mass properties and then copy the model in as described above. If you want to change the gun tube model in the future it is prudent

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