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|   Arrow Tech personnel have authored numerous technical publications. Following is a partial list of those publications: - Hathaway,W.H.,Hathaway,A.,Whyte,R.H.,Davis,B.S.,Brown,T.G.,Hepner,D.J., Combining Radar, YawSonde and On-Board Telemetry Data to Determine Aerodynamic Coeficients,51st Aeroballistic Range Association, Madrid, Spain, September 2000
- Abate,G.L.,Duckershein,R.P., Hathaway,W.H., Subsonic/Transonic Free FlightTests of a Generic Missile with Grid Fins, AFRL-MN-TR-2000-7014
- Kruggel,B.,Hathaway,W.H.,Asher, Experimental and Analytical Aerodynamicsof Missiles with Forward Flares, AFRL-MN-EG-TR-2000-,2000
- Hathaway,W.H., Winchenbach,G., Krieger,J., Free Flight Tests of 10 Degree Cones with a One Degree Articulation Angle, AIAA 99-0434, 1999
- Hathaway,W.H., Winchenbach,G.L., Krieger,J., Kline,R., Free Flight Aerodynamic Tests of the Navy 20mm Ramics Ammunition, AFRL-MN-EG-TR-1999-7009, 1999
- Berner,G., Chapman,G.,Hathaway,W.H., Winchenbach,G., Dynamic Stability Testing of Blunt Atmospheric Entry Configurations, ISL PU-354/99, 1999
- Berner,G., Fleck,V., Hathaway,W.H., Winchenbach,G., Aerodynamic Testing for Long Range Explosively Formed Penetrators, ISL PU-343/99, 1999
- Hathaway,W.H., Kruggle,B., Sigal,A., Whyte,R., High Angle of Attack Free Flight Missile Testing, AIAA-99-0435, 1999
- Erline,T.F., Hathaway,A.F., Dispersion Analysis of the XM881 Armor-Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) Projectile, ARL-MR-433, 1999
- Hathaway,W.H., Free Flight Aerodynamic Test of Bent 10 Degree Semi Angle Cones at Mach Numbers of 0.4 To 3.0, US Army, AFRL-MN-EG-1998-7036, 1998
- Dupuis,A.D., Hathaway,W.H., Aeroballistic Range Tests of the Basic Finner Reference Projectile at Supersonic Velocities, Canada, DREV-TM-9703, 1997
- Brown,T.G., Brandon,F.J., Harkins,T.E., Hathaway,W.H., Drag and Moment Coeficients Measured During Flight Testing of a 2.75 in. Rocket, AIAA-97-0634, 1997
- Abate,G.L., Hathaway,W.H., Whyte,R.L., Winchenbach,G.L., Aeroballistic Range Tests: 40mm PGU-9 B/B and PGU-9 B/C projectile Configurations, Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-1997-7005, 1997
- Hathaway,W.H., Howerton,W., Steinhoff,M, Whyte,R, Aerodynamic Data Base of the C130 Gunship 105mm M1 Projectile, Eglin AFB, WL-TR-7059, 1995
- Abate,G., Hathaway,W.H., Whyte,R., Winchenbach,G., Aeroballistic Range Tests: Scaled Models of the 105mm M1 Projectile and Modified Configurations, Wright Laboratory, WL-TR-95-7058, 1995
- Hathaway,W.H., Adelgren,R., HAVE DASH: Free Flight ARF Test Results, ARO-WH-002, January 1994.
- Howerton,C., Hathaway,W., HART 1993: Free Flight ARF Test Results, ARO-WH-94-001, January 1994.
- Abate,G., Hathaway,W.H., ARF-Alliant Test Program Aerodynamic Results, ARROW, February 1994.
- Swenson,M.W., Abate,G.L., Whyte,R.H., Aerodynamic Test and Analysis of Wrap-Around Fins at Supersonic Mach Numbers Utilizing Design of Experiments, AIAA-94-0200, Aerospace Sciences Mtg, January 1994.
- Whyte,R.H., Aerodynamic Coefficients Of The 20mm Cased Telescoped TP Projectile At Mach Numbers From 0. 7 To 4. 0, WL-TR-93-7065, September 1993.
- Whyte,R.H., Valentino,M., Aerodynamic Coefficients Of The 25-mmPGU-38/UHEI Projectile At Mach Numbers From 0. 7 To 3.2, WL-TR-93-7064, November 1992.
- Whyte,R.H., Hathaway,W.H., Valentino,M., Aerodynamic Coefficients of the 20-mm PGU-2 7/B and -28/B Projectiles at Mach 0. 7 to 3. 0, WL-TR-92-7069, July 1993.
- Abate,G., Hathaway,W.H., Aerodynamic Test Results: WAF - Base Cavity Test Model, ARROW, May 1993.
- Winchenbach,G.L., Stephens,M., Hathaway,W.H., Whyte,R.H., Aerodynamic Test Results: Have Slick Configurations, WL/MN-TR-91-78, September 1991.
- Whyte,R.H., Analysis of MK82 Bomb Trajectory Utilizing Yaw Sonde and ARFDAS Codes, ARROW-006-91, August 1991.
- Whyte,R.H., Hathaway,W.H., Aerodynamic Test Results: Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) Re-Entry Vehicle, ARROW-004-91, October 1991.
- Hathaway,W.H., Steinhoff,M., Whyte,R.H., Expert Systems For Ballistic Range Data Analysis, WL-TR-93-7073, October 1993.
- Burnett,J.R., Steams,B., Hathaway,W.H., PGU-31 APFSDS In-Bore Balloting Analysis, ARROW-012-92, August 1992.
- Hathaway,W.H., Aerodynamic Test Results: Fin Rod Configuration, ARROW-011-92, September 1992.
- Whyte,R.H., Hathaway,W.H., Whyte,S., Aerodynamic Test Results: Wrap-Around Fin Confgurations, ARROW-003-91, September 1991.
- G.Abate, W.H. Hathaway, Aerodynamic Test Results: Offset Fin Missile Confguration, AIAA Flight Mechanics Conference, August 1989.
- G.Abate, W.H. Hathaway and B.C. Wong, Aerodynamic Test Results: Scaled 105mm XM915/XM916, AFATL-TR-89-161, Sept. 1988
- Fischer, W.H. Hathaway, B.C. Wong, ARFDAS Users Manual, AFATL-TR-88-48, October 1988.
- Gates, W.H. Hathaway, R.H.Whyte, and B.C. Wong, Aerodynamic Test Results for the 20mm PGU-27/B and PGU-28/B Projectiles, AFATL-TR-86-96, Sept. 1986.
- Hathaway and R. Kittyle, Free Flight Aerodynamics of 20mm and 30mm Boomed Projectiles, AFATL-TR-86-93, August 1986.
- Whyte and E.F. Brown, Analysis of Free Flight Aerodynamic Range and Yaw Sonde Data for 155mm Projectiles M549A1 and XM785, ARLCD-TR-84027, March 1985.
- Burnett and R.H. Whyte, Free Flight Range Aerodynamic Test: May 1984 - 20mm MK149 APDS Projectile, GE Data Package, August 1984.
- Winchenbach, B.L. Uselton, W.H. Hathaway, R.M. Chelekis, Free-Flight and Wind Tunnel Data for a Generic Fighter Conf guration, Journal of Aircraft, Volume 21, January 1984.
- Whyte, R. Buff, D.A. Graham, Free-Flight Range Aerodynamic Test: Wraparound Fin Configuration at Subsonic and Transonic Mach Numbers, AFATL-TR-84-11, January 1984.
- Buff, G.L. Winchenbach, R.H. Whyte, Aerodynamics of Spin Stabilized Projectiles With Exterior Dimples, AIAA-83-2144, August 1983.
- Whyte, D.A. Graham, and G.L. Winchenbach, Aeroballistic Range Tests of 25mm Armor Piercing and Target Practice Projectiles, AFATL-TR-82-27, March 1982.
- Cobb, R.H. Whyte, P.K. Laird, The Effects of a Moving Component on the Motion of a 20-mm Projectile, AIAA Aerodynarnic Testing Conference, Colorado Springs, March 1980.
- Hathaway and R.H. Whyte, Aeroballistic Research Facility Free Flight Data Analysis Using The Maximum Likelihood Method, AFATL-TR-79-98, December 1979.
- Whyte, G.L. Winchenbach and W.H. Hathaway, Analysis of Free Flight Trajectory Data for a Complex Asymmetric Missile Configuration at Subsonic Mach Numbers, AIAA Flight Mechanics Conf., Boulder, Colorado, No. 79-1689, August 1979 (Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics-Volume 4).
- Whyte, W.H. Hathaway, Aeroballistic Research Facility Data Analysis System, 30th Aeroballistic Range Association, Burlington, Vermont, September 1979.
- Hathaway, J.R. Burnett, R.H. Whyte, DREV A/B Ballistic Range Data Analysis System, Defence Research Establishment Valcartier, Canada, September 1979.
- Whyte, W.H. Hathaway, E.M. Friedman, Analysis of Free-Flight Transonic Range Data of the 155-mm M483A1 and XM795 Projectiles, ARLCD-CR-79016, August 1979.
- Hathaway, R.H. Whyte, K.K. Cobb, R.A. Pierro, Analysis of Aeroballistic Range Data of 20-mm Projectiles with a Moving Internal Component, ADPA Symposium on Ballistics, Monterey, California, October 1978.
- West, R.H. Whyte, Free-Flight and Wind Tunnel Test of a Missile Configuration at Subsonic and Transonic Mach Numbers with Angles of Attack up to 30 Degrees, 11th Navy Aeroballistic Symposium, Warminster, Pennsylvania, August 1978.
- Hathaway, R.H. Whyte, Free-Flight Data Analysis Using the Maximum Likelihood Technique, 28th Aeroballistic Range Association, Eglin Air Force Base, September 1977.
- Hathaway, R.H. Whyte, Aeroballistic Range Data Analysis for Non-symmetric Configurations, AFATL-TR-76-109, September 1976.
- Craver, W.H. Hathaway, R.H. Whyte, Yaw Sonde and Transonic Range Data Reductions on the 155-mm XM483 and Other Projectiles Utilizing Numerical Integration, Picatinny Arsenal TR-4872, November 1975.
- Hathaway, Analysis of the Free-Flight Aerodynamics on Non-symmetric Bodies from Ballistic Spark Range Data, Master's Thesis, University of Vermont, October 1975.
- Whyte, W.H. Hathaway, Aeroballistic Range Data Analysis for Free-Flight Reduction Computer Programs, Advanced Munitions Report, General Electric, September 1974.
- Whyte, W.H. Hathaway, Aeroballistic Range Data Reduction Technique Utilizing Numerical Integration, AFATL-TR-74-41, February 1974.
- Whyte, SPIN-73. An Updated Version of the Spinner Computer Program, Picatinny Arsenal TR-4588, November 1973.
- Whyte, W.H. Mermagen, A Method for Obtaining Aerodynamic Coefficients from Yaw Sonde and Radar Data, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 10, Number 6, June 1973.
- Whyte, R.C. Houghton, W.H. Hathaway, Description of Yaw Sonde Numerical Integration Data Reduction Computer Programs, Ballistic Research Laboratory, BRL-CR-280, May 1973.
- Whyte, A. Jeung, J.W. Bradley, Chapman-Kirk Reduction of Free-Flight Range Data to Obtain Nonlinear Aerodynamic Coefficients, Ballistic Research Laboratory, BRL-MR-2298, May 1973.
- Whyte, R.C. Houghton, User Manual for AEDC Range G Free-Flight Reduction Computer Programs, General Electric Report, TR-72APB550, October 1972.
- Kline, R.H. Whyte, Gazdayka, Aeroballistic Characteristics of the 5.58 Caliber, Spin Stabilized 105-mm XM380 Projectile, Picatinny Arsenal TR, June 1972.
- Whyte, R.C. Houghton, Reduction of Range and Yaw Sonde Data Using Numerical Integration Techniques, Ballistic Research Laboratory, BRL-CR-00400, September 1972.
- Whyte, R.C. Houghton, Input-Output Description of the Numerical Integration Programs ANGLES and HEEVE, General Electric TIS 72APB517, April 1972.
- Whyte, W.H. Hathaway, Reduction of Yaw Sonde and Position Time Radar Data by Numerical Integration, General Electric, Burlington, Vermont, 72APB506, January 1972.
- Whyte, A. Jeung, Aerodynamic Reduction of Free-Flight Transonic Range Data Utilizing Numerical Integration, General Electric TIS 7lAPB514, April 1971.
- Whyte, J.G. Beliveau, Reduction of 4.2 Inch Mortar Free-Flight Spark Range Data by Numerical Integration, Advanced Munitions Report, General Electric, Burlington, Vermont, August 1970.
- Whyte, J.G. Beliveau, Nonlinear Free-Flight Aerodynamic Reductions Using Angle of Attack Rate Data, General Electric Report TIS R69APB6, September 1969.
- Whyte, J.G. Beliveau, An Investigation of the Chapman-Kirk Free-Flight Data Reduction Technique, Advanced Munitions Report, General Electric, Burlington, Vermont, August 1969.
- Whyte, Aerodynamic Characteristics of the M374 81-mm Mortar Projectile, Picatinny Arsenal TR-3634, October 1968.
- Whyte, Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Picatinny Arsenal Supporting Research Vehicle, SRV-4, Picatinny Arsenal TR-3546, June 1967.
- Whyte, Subsonic and Supersonic Static Aerodynamics of the XM552, 30-mm Projectile (WECOM30), Picatinny Arsenal TR-3422, January 1967.
- Whyte, Effects of Boattail Angle on Aerodynamic Characteristics of the 175-mm M437 Projectile at Supersonic Mach Numbers, Picatinny Arsenal TR-1646, September 1965.
- Whyte,H.E., Hudgins, Effects of Nose Shape and Boattail Angle on Static Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 105-mm Shell at Mach 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0, Picatinny Arsenal TR-1248, January 1964.
- Whyte, Wind Tunnel Testing Facilities at Picatinny Arsenal, Picatinny Arsenal TR-1980, January 1963.
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