A portion of the Tabular Output tab is shown in the following figure and described below
The following outputs are shown on the Tabular Output Tab:
- The TIME is the time (in seconds) since ignition of the rocket motor grain.
- The PRESSURE is the Absolute Pressure inside the rocket motor upstream from the nozzle throat.
- The THRUST is force generated by combustion of the rocket motor grain.
- The IMPULSE is Force-Time integral of the propellant grain.
- The FLOW is the mass flow rate of combustion products generated by burning the propellant grain.
- The TEMP is the Adiabatic Flame Temperature of the rocket motor grain combustion products.
- The AREA is the Surface area remaining of the propellant grain combustion surface.
- The WEB is the depth burned into the rocket motor grain surface of the combustion flame front.
This data is useful for copying and pasting into spreadsheets for documentation and comparison purposes.