A portion of the Formatted Output option of the Formatted Output tab is shown in the following figure and then defined.
The following outputs are shown on the Formatted Output Tab:
At the top of the Formatted output is a restatement of simulation inputs including:
- Rocket Motor Ambient Temperature
- Propellant Composition Nomenclature
- A Brief Summary of Grain Geometry
- A Brief Summary of Nozzle Geometry
Below this is a listing of the simulation temporal Formatted Output , including:
- The TIME is the time (in seconds) since ignition of the rocket motor grain.
- The PRESSURE is the Absolute Pressure inside the rocket motor upstream from the nozzle throat.
- The THRUST is force generated by combustion of the rocket motor grain.
- The IMPULSE is Force-Time integral of the propellant grain.
- The FLOW is the mass flow rate of combustion products generated by burning the propellant grain.
- The TEMP is the Adiabatic Flame Temperature of the rocket motor grain combustion products.
- The AREA is the Surface area remaining of the propellant grain combustion surface.
- The WEB is the depth burned into the rocket motor grain surface of the combustion flame front.
- At various appropriate places in the Formatted output, the user will see CHARGE NO. "X" BURNED OUT. indicating the charge in question (2 for Booster & 3 for Ignitor) has been completely consumed.
At the bottom of the Formatted Output you will see a summary as shown below: