PRODAS Data is divided into families. Here are some details about data families
- The families’ structure are created and modified using the Data Manager
- PRODAS could have been set up with one big data family but it would have been harder to keep track of the data.
- Any analysis can take input from any data families even the Arrow Tech families that are delivered with PRODAS
- You can create a whole new family and call it anything that you want. Your new family will be available for any new or old analyses to use.
- Each family can have data points, tables, plot definitions, objects and models.
- For this tutorial we will just talk about points, tables and plot definitions
- The actual structure of each data family is stored in the PRODAS root directory in a file with the same of the family and a “.and” file extension.
- Analysis inputs and results are stored in the Projectile datafiles (.pr3 files) in sections grouped by data family.
Below is a sneak peak at the data manager opened to the family, baseball trajectory that was built to define the new data needed to interface with the
FORTRAN analysis program being incorporated into PRODAS in this tutorial.