The following output Plots are Available from the pull down menu as shown:
- The Throat Area vs. Pressure is a plot of the required throat area of the minimum diameter section of the motor nozzle as a function of the listed chamber pressure generated.
- The Web Fraction vs. Chamber Pressure is required ratio of the propellant internal radius to the radius of the exterior of the rocket motor grain as a function of the listed chamber pressure generated.
- The Gas Velocity is the resulting exhaust velocity of the propellant grain combustion products with the listed pressure and throat area as a function of the listed chamber pressure generated.
- The Port/Thrt Ratio is the resulting expansion ratio of the rocket motor nozzle as a function of the listed chamber pressure generated.
- The Burning Surface is the resulting required burning surface area of the rocket motor grain for the listed pressure and throat area.
- The Grain Length is the resulting required length of the rocket grain energetic component for the listed pressure and throat area as a function of the listed chamber pressure generated.
