The formatted outputs starts with an echo of the program inputs. Below is a screen capture of the results which follow the echoed inputs.

For purposes of this tutorial, based on a required stress level in the motor casing, assume the peak operating pressure will be 14.0 MPa. This selection of peak operating pressure then leads us to select 807.2mm for the required Grain Length , and 20.19mm for the Throat Diameter. We could manually enter these as inputs into the Rocket Motor Simulation analysis.
The results are defined as follows:
- Propellant Mass is the mass of the rocket motor energetic grain.
- Mass Flow Rate is the rate of mass loss per unit time at which the motor operates.
- Effective Specific Impulse is the product of the Specific impulse and the efficiency.
The following output columns are shown:
- The Chamber Pressure column lists the parametrically increasing combustion chamber pressure.
- The Throat Area is the required area of the minimum diameter section of the motor nozzle to yield the listed chamber pressure.
- The Web Fraction is required ratio of the propellant internal radius to the radius of the exterior of the rocket motor grain.
- The Gas Velocity is the resulting exhaust velocity of the propellant grain combustion products with the listed pressure and throat area.
- The Port/Thrt Ratio is the resulting expansion ratio of the rocket motor nozzle.
- The Burning Surface is the resulting required burning surface area of the rocket motor grain for the listed pressure and throat area.
- The Grain Length is the resulting required length of the rocket grain energetic component for the listed pressure and throat area.
- The Throat Diameter is the minimum diameter section of the motor nozzle required to yield the listed chamber pressure.