To complete the inputs for our example please enter:
- 2654.7 cm^3. for the Empty Propellant Chamber Vol.
- 1013.3 millibars (Standard Atmospheric Pressure) for the Atmos. Pressure
- 0.0001 sec. for the Integration Time Step
- 0.5 for the % of Burn Rate Change
- 15.55 deg. C. for the Lower Temp Bound
- 32.22 deg. C. for the Upper Temp Bound
- 200 for the # Time Steps Before Print
- Since we do not want to change increments, we enter a very large number like 32000 for the # Time Steps Before Print Change
- 10 for the Second Print Increment
- -760 for the 2nd # of Time Steps Before Print Change
- Here, since we do not want additional output, enter a very large number like 1,000,000 for the Special Print Time
- .345 MPa for the Print Cut-Off Pressure
- 635 mm for the Web Limit for Press Print
The completed SetupTab is shown below
