Additional input values are required on the Setup Tab. Enter the following:
- 3.05 for the Pidduck Kent Constant
- 3.5 for the
Base Pressure F Constant
- 1.0 for the
Exit Spin Ratio. The Exit Spit Ratio is the fraction of spin generated by
the projectile passage down the bore transmitted to the projectile by the barrel rifling.
An Exit Spin Ratio of 1.00 is full spin and 0.00 is no spin. For this example,
since the rotating band is designed to transmit full torque to the projectile body,
enter an exit spin Ratio of 1.0.
- "Heiny" from the Base Pressure
Model pull-down menu since this is a medium caliber projectile. The Lagrange and Pidduck-Kent base pressure models are typically only used
for simulations of large caliber (>45mm) gun systems. The Heiny base pressure model is used for medium
caliber and smaller.
The Base Pressure F constant is a multiplier used on the Heiny model to help model base pressure at muzzle exit.
It tends to decrease with increased velocity.
Your Setup Tab should now look like this: