Because a Statistical Analysis involves the execution of many single analyses each with different initial conditions, the
results are collected/stored and presented to the user differently from the Single Analysis. The results from the Statistical
Analysis are as follows:
- Dispersion Results: A complete dispersion analysis summary is contained under the Formatted Output Tab,
Projectile Exit Conditions. The summary is broken down into the following sections:
- Results from the In-Bore Balloting Analysis in the form of a dispersion contribution budget from in-bore balloting.
- Mean point of impact (MPI) analysis results.
- Analysis results to estimate all of the components contributing to dispersion (not just in-bore balloting).
- Simulation results of a lot acceptance target impact dispersion test (10 tests of 20 rounds each).
- Projectile Resultants: The Tabulated Output contains the resultants at muzzle exit for each of the iterations and
the Formatted Output contains the statistical average across all iterations. This data is
available in both a global or earth fixed coordinate system and in a rotating or body fixed coordinate system.
- Projectile Node/Spring Data: The Formatted Output contains the maximum values and the node id of the maximum
value for each iteration.
- Gun Tube Node Data: This includes lateral displacements and velocities of each node in the gun tube model.
- Cumulative Average Plots: The cumulative average plots are used to determine the number of iterations or the
statistical sample size required to obtain a realistic set of results.
The following slides show examples of the Statistical Analysis results.