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Lets Run a Statistical Analysis / Initial Conditions |
After running a single analysis, performing a statistical analysis can provide you with the following benefits:
In addition to the initial conditions specified for the single analysis, the statistical analysis requires the standard deviations for the runouts and diameters as shown below.
Additionally, this page includes a section entitled Sensitivity Factors. The left side of this section enables the user to identify one standard deviation errors that affect trajectory (wind, muzzle velocity, etc.). At the top of the right column of information is the target range. This is important due to the fact that the sensitivity factors vary with range, and, to get an accurate dispersion prediction, it is necessary to select the range of interest. Upon completing these inputs, the ReCalc Sensitivity Factors button should be selected. This will execute a routine that populates the factors on the right side of the section. These dispersion sensitivity factors are subsequently used in conjunction with the muzzle exit conditions from the balloting analysis to determine the expected dispersion of the round.
After setting the initial conditions, the user must return to the Analysis Setup Tab, set the Analysis Option to Statistical, enter the number of iterations (50 for this example), and hit the run In-Bore Balloting Analysis button to run the analysis. Since this is running the equivalent of 50 single analyses, the execution time is significantly longer.
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