Upon entering the In-Bore Balloting Analysis module, the projectile will appear under the Modeling Tab
as shown below. The Modeling Tab has the following options:
- Analysis Option: This indicates the type of lumped parameter analysis you want to perform. The options are:
- Generate: This generates a default set of both nodes and elements based on the PRODAS model geometry.
- Re-Generate: This re-generates elements based on the node geometry defined under the Nodes/Springs Tab.
- Re-Display: This re-displays the nodes, elements and springs based on the data defined under the Nodes/Springs Tab
and the Elements/Materials Tab.
- Number of Sabot Petals: For projectiles with a sabot, the number of sabot petals should be entered.
- Proj/Tube Toggle: This toggles the display between the projectile model and the gun tube model. It also toggles
the data under the Node/Springs Tab and the Elements/Materials Tab.
- Labels: This turns the node and spring labels on/off. The node ids are the
same as the first node in the element definition (i.e., element 17 is defined between nodes 17 and 18).
- Generate Projectile Model (or Generate Tube Model) Button: Generates nodes, elements, and updates the display
depending on the Analysis Option.