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Go for a Walk

The simplest way to move around is to walk.

When you walk,

So lets give it a try.

  1. Click on the Navigation Bar checkbox on the lower right hand side of the window
  2. Click on the Walk button in the Navigation toolbar
  3. Click on the Plan button in the Navigation toolbar
  4. To walk around, hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse on the picture
  5. Notice what happens when you drag it left, right, forward or backwards
  6. To shuffle sideways, click on the Pan button in the Navigation toolbar
  7. Notice what happens when you drag it left, right, forward or backwards
  8. To look around without moving, click on the Turn button in the Navigation toolbar
  9. Notice what happens when you drag it left, right, forward or backwards

A couple of things to NOTE

Below is a view from high up in one of the mountains in the Direct Fire Range, the three small specks, (center right) are your targets.


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