The In-Bore Balloting Analysis module (BALANS) is a specialized finite element analysis tool designed to allow rapid analysis
of the dynamic response and interaction of a flexible
projectile and a flexible gun tube during in-bore travel.
The simulation utilizes individual
models of the projectile and gun tube, in a time step iterative solution.
Highlights include:
- An automated mesh generator to generate a finite element model of the projectile and gun tube using
beam elements.
- Ability to define bore centerline.
- Capabilities to include bore diameter versus length variation.
- Full integration with PRODAS Interior Ballistics modules for forcing function definition.
- Initial condition (projectile orientation relative to the bore) definition.
- Automated statistical evaluation of dispersion (including sensitivity analysis parameters).
- A linear, elastic transient dynamic structural analysis engine.
- Full graphical and tabular output capability.
- Gun Tube
- Motion
- Muzzle Exit Transverse Velocity
- Projectile
- Projectile / Tube interface reaction loads.
- Tube support reaction loads